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Functional Requirements

This list contains the functional requirements for the system to be developed during the project's execution. This list is non-exhaustive and should be expanded upon as the developers identify a need.

Purpose/DescriptionAccount Creation
InputsFName, LName, Email, Password, Affiliation (opt), Credentials (Opt).
ProcessingRequired Field check, Email-type check, password match check.
OutputsFailure: Required Fields empty, invalid email type, passwords don’t match. Success: Account creation successful.
Purpose/DescriptionSign In
InputsEmail, Password.
ProcessingRequired Field Check, email type check, user exist check, password match check.
OutputsFailure: Email or password does not match; required fields empty. Success: sign in successful.
Purpose/DescriptionFile Uploading & Tagging
InputsUser File, File type, file name, subject, grade, date created.
ProcessingRequired field check, file size check, file type check.
OutputsFailure: File too large, incorrect file type, required fields empty,file upload failed. Success: file upload successful.
Purpose/DescriptionFile Storage
ProcessingFile storage.
OutputsFailure: Server-side logging. Success: Server-side logging.
Purpose/DescriptionFile Moderation
InputsFile approval/disapproval, comments.
Processingupdating file approval status.
OutputsFailure: Could not complete action. Success: Action Complete.
Purpose/DescriptionFile Rating
Inputs0-5 star rating for document.
ProcessingRating entry made in database.
OutputsRating visible to user.
Purpose/DescriptionFile Reporting
InputsReport button selected, reason selected.
ProcessingReport entry made in database.
Outputs“Report submitted” message.
Purpose/DescriptionWatermark/License adding
InputsFile uploaded.
ProcessingWatermark/License is Prepended.
OutputsFile with watermark/license is saved in file storage.
Purpose/DescriptionDocument Search
InputsKeywords entered by user.
ProcessingDatabase tags searched for keywords.
OutputsFiles presented to user.
Purpose/DescriptionUser Analytics
InputsUser actions on system.
ProcessingData relating to actions written to database.
ProcessingFAQ's Fetched from Database.
OutputsList of FAQ’s with answers provided.
Purpose/DescriptionPassword Reset
InputsPassword Reset request, email address, verification cookie/session/token, new password.
ProcessingEmail verification, token verification and password match verification.
OutputsFailure: Failure message. Success: Email Verification Message to generate token, success Message.